Welcome to the 2nd edition of BioISI Junior Programme

If you are a MSc Student in your 2nd year of the MSc., i.e., the year of the thesis, this programme is made for you!

BioISI Junior programme is directed to MSc students whose thesis is supervised by a BioISI PhD integrated member and performed at BioISI labs. This programme will sponsor 8 scholarships (BII) for 6 months, promoting and recognizing the best students.

Are you looking for a MSc. and got interested in this programme? Come and join us at the BioISI Junior Day, next May 4th, at 16h, at C2 3rd Floor Terrace!

In this event you will have the opportunity to listen to current BioISI Junior Programme scholars,  discover their brand new  findings and get to know how it is to perform scientific research at BioISI. Also you will have the chance to meet the supervisors and ask them about this 2nd edition MSc. project thesis available for application.

Hurry up! Check Bellow the MSC project proposals for this year’s edition. BioISI will be very happy to welcome you in our institute.

MSc Project Proposals at BioISI

Supervisors: Vânia Gonçalves, Peter Jordan

Contact: vania.goncalves@insa.min-saude.pt

Workplace: INSA Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon
Supervisors: Vera Inácio, Célia Miguel

Contact: vlinacio@fc.ul.pt | cmmiguel@fc.ul.pt 

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Vera Inácio, Leonor Morais-Cecílio (ISA)

Contact: vlinacio@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon & ISA, Lisbon
Supervisors: Margarida Gama-Carvalho

Contact: mhcarvalho@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Margarida Gama-Carvalho

Contact: mhcarvalho@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Margarida Gama-Carvalho

Contact: mhcarvalho@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Ines Pankonien | Margarida D Amaral

Contact: ipankonien@fc.ul.pt | mdamaral@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Miguel Machuqueiro

Contact: machuque@ciencias.ulisboa.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Bárbara Henriques | Romana Santos (MARE-FCUL)

Contact: bjhenriques@fc.ul.pt | rlasantos@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Federico Herrera

Contact: fherrera@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Nuno Galamba | Alexandre Paiva (FCT-UNL)

Contact: njgalamba@fc.ul.pt  

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon & FCT-UNL, Almda
Supervisors: Nuno Galamba | Bruno L. Victor

Contact: njgalamba@fc.ul.pt  

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Susana Serrazina | Rita Costa (INIAV)

Contact: smserrazina@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Andreia Figueiredo | Vincent Carré (LCP-A2MC)

Contact: aafigueiredo@fc.ul.pt 

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon & Université de Lorraine, Metz, France
Supervisors: Andreia Figueiredo | Luca Nerva (CREA-VE)

Contact: aafigueiredo@fc.ul.pt 

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon & CREA-VE, Conegliano, TV, Italy
Supervisors: Rita B. Santos | Vincent Carré (LCP-A2MC)

Contact: absantos@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon & Université de Lorraine, Metz, France
Supervisors: Rita B. Santos | Andreia Figueiredo

Contact: absantos@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Rita B. Santos | Andreia Figueiredo

Contact: absantos@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Rita B. Santos | Andreia Figueiredo

Contact: absantos@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Elisabete R. Silva | Ricardo Santos (IST)

Contact: ersilva@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon (mainly) & IST, Lisbon
Supervisors: Elisabete R. Silva | Rita Pacheco (CQE)

Contact: ersilva@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Elisabete R. Silva | Ana Carapeto

Contact: ersilva@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Elisabete R. Silva | Luís Alves (CQE)

Contact: ersilva@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon & IST, Lisbon
Supervisors: Diana Cunha-Reis | Hugo Botelho

Contact: dcreis@ciencias.ulisboa.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Francisco Pinto

Contact: frpinto@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Francisco Pinto

Contact: frpinto@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Vukosava Milic Torres | Barbara J. Henriques

Contact: vmtorres@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Mónica Sebastiana | Filipa Monteiro (cE3c, FCUL; ISA, LEAF)

Contact: mgsebastiana@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon
Supervisors: Mónica Sebastiana | Filipa Monteiro (cE3c, FCUL; ISA, LEAF)

Contact: mgsebastiana@fc.ul.pt

Workplace: FCUL, Lisbon