Marques RT, Martins FF, Bekiş DF, Vicente AI, Ferreira LP, Gomes CSB, Barroso S, Kumar V, Garcia Y, Bandeira NAG, Calhorda MJ, Martinho PN .

Doi: 10.3390/magnetochemistry8120162

Marques RT, Martins FF, Bekiş DF, Vicente AI, Ferreira LP, Gomes CSB, Barroso S, Kumar V, Garcia Y, Bandeira NAG, Calhorda MJ, Martinho PN (2022) The Halogen Effect on the Magnetic Behaviour of Dimethylformamide Solvates in [Fe(halide-salEen)2]BPh4. Magnetochemistry, 8(12), 162. doi: 10.3390/magnetochemistry8120162