The prize is awarded to a talented, early career researcher, for a significant contribution to a top quality paper that has been published on the “Journal of Coordination Chemistry”.

The paper awarded combined a wide range of techniques to understand the potential anticancer activity of a family of ferrocene compounds. Apart from synthetic methods, techniques such as electrochemistry, computational chemistry, Mössbauer spectroscopy and cytotoxicity were used. The findings were important as some of the compounds were cytotoxic even at very low concentrations. The electrochemical studies combined with computational studies allowed understanding the mechanisms behind the behaviour in solution of those ferrocene compounds.

Read more here.

Paulo Nuno Martinho is an invited assistant professor at Departamento de Química e Bioquímica and an invited researcher at Centro de Química e Bioquímica (Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry group) and at Instituto de Biosistemas & Ciências Integrativas (Chemistry for Biological Systems group) both at Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. His active projects are on:

  • Spin crossover phenomenon in Fe(III) systems;
  • Single molecule magnet properties in Mn(III) compounds;
  • Materials development for magnetism;
  • Homogeneous activation and conversion of small molecules;
  • Heterogeneous catalytic conversion of small molecules;
  • Sensing and trapping of small molecules.